California Department of Education | California Department of Education
California Department of Education | California Department of Education
The grade with the second highest number of students was second grade, with 3,595 students, or 8% of the student body.
The school that had the highest number of kindergarten students in Oakland Unified School District during the period was Lincoln Elementary School, while Home and Hospital Program and Infant and Preschool Program had the fewest.
Overall, Oakland Unified School District enrolled 45,005 students, ranking as the 11th highest enrolled district in California for the 2023-24 school year. It also ranked 11th highest in the previous school year.
California's public schools face a growing financial crisis driven by declining enrollment and an increase in chronic absenteeism, both impacting the state's school funding model.
Enrollment, which peaked at 6.3 million students in the early 2000s, has steadily declined to under 6 million today, with projections indicating it could fall below 5.2 million by 2032. This trend is attributed to lower birth rates, slowed immigration, and families relocating out of state due to high housing costs. Rural and coastal districts have been particularly affected, facing tough decisions such as school closures and staffing reductions.
At the same time, chronic absenteeism has surged from 12% pre-pandemic to 25%, disproportionately impacting younger students and jeopardizing their long-term success.
School | Total Enrollment |
ACORN Woodland Elementary School | 290 |
Allendale Elementary School | 374 |
Bella Vista Elementary School | 379 |
Bret Harte Middle School | 417 |
Bridges @ Melrose Academy Elementary | 423 |
Brookfield Elementary School | 114 |
Burckhalter Elementary School | 208 |
Carl B. Munck Elementary School | 171 |
Castlemont High School | 698 |
Chabot Elementary School | 579 |
Claremont Middle School | 488 |
Cleveland Elementary School | 383 |
Coliseum College Prep Academy | 780 |
Crocker Highlands Elementary School | 410 |
Dewey Academy High | 89 |
East Oakland Pride Elementary School | 345 |
Edna Brewer Middle School | 791 |
Elmhurst United Middle School | 752 |
Emerson Elementary School | 332 |
EnCompass Academy Elementary | 299 |
Esperanza Elementary School | 430 |
Franklin Elementary School | 491 |
Fred T. Korematsu Discovery Academy Elementary | 176 |
Fremont High School | 1,186 |
Frick United Academy of Language Middle | 355 |
Fruitvale Elementary School | 254 |
Garfield Elementary School | 483 |
Gateway to College High at Laney College | 98 |
Glenview Elementary School | 454 |
Global Family Elementary School | 440 |
Grass Valley Elementary School | 158 |
Greenleaf | 616 |
Hillcrest | 376 |
Home and Hospital Program | 9 |
Hoover Elementary School | 268 |
Horace Mann Elementary School | 182 |
Independent Study Sojourner Truth | 573 |
Infant and Preschool Program | 1 |
International Community Elementary School | 306 |
Joaquin Miller Elementary School | 384 |
La Escuelita | 265 |
Laurel Elementary School | 412 |
LIFE Academy | 441 |
Lincoln Elementary School | 687 |
Lockwood STEAM Academy Elementary | 662 |
Madison Park Academy 6-12 | 664 |
Madison Park Academy Elementary | 228 |
Manzanita Community Elementary School | 338 |
Manzanita SEED Elementary School | 413 |
Markham Elementary School | 297 |
Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary School | 337 |
McClymonds High School | 265 |
Melrose Leadership Academy | 678 |
MetWest High School | 237 |
Montclair Elementary School | 562 |
Montera Middle School | 659 |
New Highland Academy Elementary | 453 |
Oakland Academy of Knowledge Elementary | 249 |
Oakland High School | 1,525 |
Oakland International High School | 290 |
Oakland Technical High School | 1,813 |
Peralta Elementary School | 341 |
Piedmont Avenue Elementary School | 313 |
Prescott Elementary School | 130 |
Ralph J. Bunche Continuation High School | 82 |
Reach Academy Elementary | 427 |
Redwood Heights Elementary School | 383 |
Roosevelt Middle School | 551 |
Rudsdale Continuation High School | 304 |
Sankofa United Elementary School | 232 |
Sequoia Elementary School | 447 |
Skyline High School | 1,432 |
Street Academy Alternative High | 57 |
Think College Now Elementary | 258 |
Thornhill Elementary School | 392 |
United for Success Academy Middle | 356 |
Urban Promise Academy Middle | 371 |
West Oakland Middle School | 160 |
Westlake Middle School | 300 |
Young Adult Program | 133 |