14412 Wake Ave.Bal Area, San Leandro$660,000Property Tax: $5,350.02Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.81%Buyer: Iwahashi Dale H. (trustee)Seller: Dale H. Iwahashi (trustee)
5660 Mount Day DriveSpringtown, Livermore$100,000Property Tax: $13,945.9Effective Property Tax Rate: 13.95%Buyer: Dyal Jagandeep S. and Harjinder S. (and others)Seller: Hajindar Singh Dyal
91 Cambrian Ave.Piedmont South of Oakland Avenue, Piedmont$2,250,000Property Tax: $7,326.54Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.33%Buyer: Tornlof Susan J. (trustee)Seller: Susan J. Tornlof (trustee)
2109 106th Ave.Elmhurst, Oakland$595,000Property Tax: $9,538.82Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.6%Buyer: Clement Holdings LLC & Jwi Secured Fund LLCSeller: Clement Holdings LLC
761 54th St.North Oakland, Oakland$1,250,000Property Tax: $3,613.86Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.29%Buyer: Dailey JamesSeller: James Dailey
4229 Terrabella WaySoutheast Hills, Oakland$1,212,500Property Tax: $9,893.88Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.82%Buyer: Pedersen Robert D. and Ditte O.Seller: Ditte O Pedersen
286 HackamoreEast Industrial, Fremont$675,000Property Tax: $7,601.74Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.13%Buyer: Musunuri Aravindsundeep and VanajaSeller: Vanaja Musunuri
5672 Shorehaven CircleSpringtown, Livermore$1,285,000Property Tax: $7,560.08Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.59%Buyer: Martinez Cesar G. and Alvarez ErikaSeller: Cesar G Martinez
555 Pierce St. 1107Albany Hill, Albany$429,000Property Tax: $8,357.98Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.95%Buyer: Kuttuva Sureshbabu and AnandhiSeller: Anandhi Kuttuva
6300 Contra Costa RoadUpper Rockridge, Oakland$3,725,000Property Tax: $42,132.54Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.13%Buyer: Huntzinger Bradley J.Seller: Bradley J Huntzinger
440 Stoneford Ave.Elmhurst, Oakland$585,000Property Tax: $5,471.82Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.94%Buyer: 440 Stoneford LLCSeller: 440 Stoneford LLC
22810 High St.Upper B. Street, Hayward$578,000Property Tax: $7,606.64Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.32%Buyer: Fernandes Raoul A. and Carol A. (trustees)Seller: Raoul A. Fernandes (trustee)
1202 Sandelin Ave.Bay O. Vista, San Leandro$900,000Property Tax: $1,933.12Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.21%Buyer: Gross Cheryl A. (trustee)Seller: Cheryl A. Gross (trustee)
2718 Rawson St.Central East, Oakland$835,000Property Tax: $2,100.96Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.25%Buyer: Roya Hornebuyers LLCSeller: Roya Homebuyers LLC
2243 Vicksburg Ave.Central East, Oakland$525,000Property Tax: $2,149.2Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.41%Buyer: Vicksburg Avenue LLCSeller: Vicksburg Avenue LLC
1611 Curtis St.Central Berkeley, Berkeley$1,317,500Property Tax: $18,101.72Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.37%Buyer: Wang BichenSeller: Bichen Wang
7863 Regatta WayElmhurst, Oakland$615,000Property Tax: $4,342.14Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.71%Buyer: Sanford BerteeniaSeller: Berteenia Sanford
7717 Ney Ave.Elmhurst, Oakland$850,000Property Tax: $10,402.42Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.22%Buyer: 7717 Ney LLCSeller: Thanh V Nguyen
2 Sea View Ave.Piedmont South of Oakland Avenue, Piedmont$7,150,000Property Tax: $73,550.56Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.03%Buyer: Ghielmetti Michael and Rebecca (trustees)Seller: Michael Ghielmetti (trust)
3453 Foxtail TerraceCenterville, Fremont$460,000Property Tax: $2,989.85Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.65%Buyer: Barbuscia Joseph R.Seller: Joseph Rosolin Barbuscia
883 Waverly CommonNorth Livermore, Livermore$1,025,000Property Tax: $10,272.46Effective Property Tax Rate: 1%Buyer: Engstrom Cynthia S.Seller: Cynthia Sanos Engstrom
699 46th St.North Oakland, Oakland$690,000Property Tax: $6,083.7Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.88%Buyer: Valva Michael and Tracy (and others)Seller: Michael E. Valva (trustee)
49186 Honeysuckle TerraceEast Industrial, Fremont$972,500Property Tax: $13,434.14Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.38%Buyer: Siddiqui Omar and Najeeba F.Seller: Omar Saeed Siddiqui
6019 Brann St.Central East, Oakland$500,000Property Tax: $7,494.92Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.5%Buyer: Riley C. L. Jr Heirs of (estate)Seller: James Admr Riley
2604 Great Arbor Way 61Central Union City, Union City$640,000Property Tax: $9,063.2Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.42%Buyer: Datu Joselito B. and Sarah J.Seller: Joselito B Datu
465 Nabor St.Bal Area, San Leandro$750,000Property Tax: $4,428.1Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.59%Buyer: Padilla Jaime S. and Ana M.Seller: Jaime S Padilla
606 Lincoln Ave.West End, Alameda$765,000Property Tax: $5,446.64Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.71%Buyer: Robinson Evelyn A., Robinson Kenneth N. and L. (trustee) (and others)Seller: Kenneth N. Robinson (trustee)
740 Alcatraz Ave.North Oakland, Oakland$1,100,000Property Tax: $20,930.28Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.9%Buyer: Mineyev Martine P. (trustee)Seller: Martine P. Mineyev (trustee)
7527 Halliday Ave.Elmhurst, Oakland$385,000Property Tax: $2,382.22Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.62%Buyer: Nguyendang Truc M. and Nguyen Vutu (trustees)Seller: Vuong PHI Ab
1468 Daily DriveBay O. Vista, San Leandro$950,000Property Tax: $2,489.54Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.26%Buyer: Briest Nancy (trustee)Seller: Nellie Kiel (trust)
37971 Vallejo St.Niles, Fremont$495,000Property Tax: $2,099.6Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.42%Buyer: Nie Yanhan D. and Yen Tzu Y.Seller: Yanhan David Nie
1448 80th Ave.Elmhurst, Oakland$485,000Property Tax: $2,635.72Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.54%Buyer: Ly Lynda T. (trustee)Seller: J. Family Trust
811 York St. 206Lower Hills, Oakland$180,000Property Tax: $2,198.48Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.22%Buyer: Ellsworth Edward P.Seller: Edward Phillip Ellsworth
2340 Mitchell St.Fruitvale, Oakland$740,000Property Tax: $8,533.48Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.15%Buyer: Wong Henry S. and Poi Y. (trustees)Seller: Poi Y. Wong (trust)
1512 Brunswig Lane 50South of Powell, Emeryville$780,000Property Tax: $10,077.64Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.29%Buyer: Ishihara TakeshiSeller: Takeshi Ishihara
2822 Hillegass Ave.Berkeley$2,100,000Property Tax: $11,769.18Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.56%Buyer: Schwartz Margot D. and Noah A.Seller: Margot Schwartz
2064 San Antonio Ave.Bronze Coast, Alameda$1,118,000Property Tax: $3,696.2Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.33%Buyer: Segal Lisa D. (trustee)Seller: Lisa D. Segal (trustee)
35156 Lido Blvd. GNorth Newark, Newark$440,000Property Tax: $5,456.62Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.24%Buyer: Montenegro ChrisSeller: Chris Montenegro
2838 76th Ave.Elmhurst, Oakland$62,500Property Tax: $3,957.1Effective Property Tax Rate: 6.33%Buyer: Saunders Edward B. and ElizabethSeller: Edward Bruce Saunders
6 Commodore Drive C243North of Powell, Emeryville$540,000Property Tax: $3,749.8Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.69%Buyer: Robert C. Heirs of Blain (estate)Seller: Robert Blain (estate)
2739 Ninth Ave.San Antonio, Oakland$665,000Property Tax: $10,858.16Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.63%Buyer: Sweet Julian and Bret (trustees)Seller: Roxanna Sweet (trust)
36992 Meadowbrook Common 101Centerville, Fremont$650,000Property Tax: $5,288.24Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.81%Buyer: Point Green Home Solutions LLCSeller: Point Green Home Solutio
3235 Monterey Blvd.Lower Hills, Oakland$1,350,000Property Tax: $19,699.36Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.46%Buyer: Kabbani Marisa H. and Abdul K. (trustees)Seller: Kabbani Family Trust
6446 Regent St.North Oakland, Oakland$3,700,000Property Tax: $2,665.9Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.07%Buyer: Millennium Living Space LLCSeller: Millenium Living Space L
8933 D St.Elmhurst, Oakland$400,000Property Tax: $1,682.81Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.42%Buyer: Fletcher Willie L. and Carol D.Seller: Leonard Bernar Casanares
4845 Geranium PlaceSoutheast Hills, Oakland$1,350,000Property Tax: $15,921.78Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.18%Buyer: Gordon John M. (trustee)Seller: Gordon Family Trust
1996 Harvest RoadCentral Pleasanton, Pleasanton$2,000,000Property Tax: $9,146.18Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.46%Buyer: McGinty Bryan J.Seller: Bryan J McGinty
3508 Lyon Ave.Fruitvale, Oakland$525,000Property Tax: $3,525.56Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.67%Buyer: Partee Gloria V. and Goldberg Kathy A. (trustees)Seller: Kathy A. Goldberg (trustee)
2000 45th Ave.Central East, Oakland$453,000Property Tax: $2,680.44Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.59%Buyer: Jackson Millicent J. and Jackson Milton J. (trustee)Seller: Millicent J Jackson
2427 23rd Ave.San Antonio, Oakland$635,000Property Tax: $10,666Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.68%Buyer: Obleton CynthiaSeller: Cynthia Obleton
5869 Northway RoadCentral Pleasanton, Pleasanton$1,025,000Property Tax: $7,138.06Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.7%Buyer: Bice Jacqueline R. (trustee)Seller: Bice Family Trust
201 Fourth St. 208Downtown Oakland, Oakland$740,000Property Tax: $10,786.76Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.46%Buyer: Gunn William (trustee)Seller: William Gunn (trust)
4166 Peregrine WayAsco, Pleasanton$1,030,000Property Tax: $8,994.27Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.87%Buyer: Kessler Kelly S. (trustee)Seller: Zca Homes LLC
245 Broadmoor Blvd.North San Leandro, San Leandro$725,000Property Tax: $1,681.88Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.23%Buyer: Gigli Leroy Heirs of (estate)Seller: Leroy Leonard Gigli (estate)
2300 Havenscourt Blvd.Central East, Oakland$350,000Property Tax: $3,337.06Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.95%Buyer: Biggs Scott W. and Danna S. (trustees)Seller: Biggs Family Trust
740 Keeler Ave.Berkeley Hills, Berkeley$1,560,000Property Tax: $8,571.26Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.55%Buyer: Kamerow Anna M. and Jessica L.Seller: Jessica Leah Kamerow